Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, April 19, 2013
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today, before going to sleep, when I was in my room, I heard the voice of Jesus who gave me an important message:
No one has greater love than he who gives his life for his brothers!
Give your all without asking for anything in return. Love and forgive, even if people don't want to love or forgive you. Remember that you will always have in your heart the greatest love, God himself, who will dwell in your heart and in you.
Those who do not love do not forgive, and those who do not know how to forgive do not deserve heaven, because heaven is my kingdom of love, and if they lack love, they lack everything in their lives.
My Heart is torn, because after many years, after I sent my Blessed Mother to the Amazon and in many parts of the world, people still love and forgive little.
My son, where are those who say they love me? Where are my faithful servants who are waiting for their Lord's visit? Where have gone all those who have benefited from many blessings and graces bestowed by my most holy and beloved Mother? Where did the gifts and talents I granted you go? What have you done with all the blessings received from heaven?
Ingratitude, coldness and contempt, and I can even say silence and cowardice, fear of rejection and of not showing others that you have erred and fallen; all this has caused many to grow cold in their faith and to allow themselves to be deceived by the seductions and snares of the one who is the father of lies, who wishes to lead them into the eternal fire.
I speak to you, I implore you, I show you the way, the road to follow, but everyone: all men and women in the whole world, convert and repent of their crimes. Come back now, while I am calling you!
I have told you: no one has greater love than he who gives his life for his brothers!...Help me to save the souls who have been blinded again by satan and who let themselves be led and fall into illusions, deceptions, and voices that do not tell the truth. Men for so little lose quickly, from one hour to another, millions of graces granted by heaven....
I was surprised by the number of graces granted and Jesus, reading my thought, said:
You cannot imagine the generosity of my love nor the goodness of my Divine Heart.
At this moment, I felt the agony in my feet, as I have been suffering for some time now, since 2009. The marks became visible again as usual. I know that when they appear and become visible it is because evil men are plotting against the work of the Virgin, wanting to destroy it. Jesus saw my agony and suffering and told me:
Offer everything to the Father for the conversion and salvation and salvation of the world. My Mother presented herself as the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace to intercede and plead for the gift of peace for humanity. Intercede too and supplicate from my Heart for this grace and I will grant it to whoever asks me.
Bear with criticism and rejection, and even persecution; know how to be silent when the rumors around you wish to threaten and frighten you... Nothing that is not united to me will stand!
Only he who receives me and welcomes me into his heart will endure everything with great strength, courage and faith.
Give me your heart and you will have possession of mine fully. Give me your love, for mine will burn you and not consume you like the burning bush. I love you, as well as all mankind. To be purified, it will have to go through terrible events and trials. Everything is coming true in the present days. Pray, pray, and make others pray, for in this way mankind will be converted. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
After a few minutes, I no longer heard Jesus' voice. I went to the kitchen to drink some water and as I was holding the glass, his voice resounded again and flooded the place where I was standing. Jesus said to me:
Many want to have what I have not desired and prepared for them. Others desire my graces and gifts that are reserved for those whom I have chosen and prepared on earth, but these graces and gifts are not they who will receive, but whom I have chosen and whom I want.
How many times you have left me waiting for your love!...How many times you have abandoned me and left me alone, but I have never abandoned and despised you!...Your weakness and your imperfections make me love you even more to help you to be mine, for my merciful Heart longs for your happiness and salvation, you whom I have lavished so much of my love on.
I have revealed to you my mysteries, I have educated you as your Master and Lord. Now I want you to be my obedient pupil who will bring to all others my eternal teachings. Don't you see how many are blind and without the strength to get back on their feet? Don't you want to help them find me, to be mine?
Ah, my son, let me speak to your heart, let my words resound stronger and stronger to many closed hearts, so that those hearts hardened like stone may break and open to me.
Let yourself be formed more and more by my eternal love and goodness. Many do not know how to love: at least let me teach you, so that you can then teach others everything you have learned from me.
Speak my son, speak of my love to all. My love heals, my love saves, my love transforms and frees your lives from all evil.
How great love humanity needs to survive and to overcome the present darkness. The devil is hatred, but if humanity learns to love it will become more powerful than the devil and will expel him once and for all from the face of the earth. Love, love humanity, for love conquers the world and all evil.
Before leaving, Jesus as if speaking to many people said:
I am with you. Do not be afraid! I am here to dispel the darkness in your lives, to comfort you in your afflictions, and to ease your pains. May my peace always envelop you and be with you!