Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today the Holy Mother came once again from heaven to communicate her holy message. She was without her veil, with a beautiful crown of gold on her head, and she was wearing a white garment and a blue cloak. The Virgin's hair is beautiful. By the golden light that radiated from her today they looked very luminous, in fact, her whole being today was more luminous than at other times. Her garments radiated a golden light. Our Lady kindly, looking at me motherly said to me:
Peace be with you!
My beloved children, today I come from heaven to invite you to love, peace and trust in God.
Decide for the kingdom of heaven now, as God is calling you to it and is giving you a time of grace and mercy.
Don't leave the path of conversion aside. It is time for you to return to God, welcoming my holy messages into your hearts.
The devil is cunning and knows how to seduce and deceive many of those who are weak in faith. Do not let yourself be deceived and seduced by him, my children. Listen to the voice of your Mother Immaculate and open your hearts to the love of God, so that all darkness and lies may be destroyed and overcome.
Thank you for your presence here in this place blessed by my Mother presence. I welcome you under my Immaculate Mantle and place you within my Immaculate Heart: you and your families!
Pray, pray very much the holy rosary, because this prayer prayed with love and faith destroys many evils and converts many sinners. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!