Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
I wish you the peace of God, my Children, that his peace may transform your lives and heal your wounded hearts that long for the peace and love of the Lord.
My children, without God's love and peace you cannot live and be happy. Open your hearts to the Lord. Desire to belong to the kingdom of heaven. God wants to save you. God wants to save your families, but you must allow his love to reign in your hearts and in your lives. Ask for forgiveness for your sins, ask every day with faith and love that God's mercy surrounds you.
Children, change your life. Decide to follow the path of God that I am showing you. Pray the rosary to overcome all Satan's attacks. With the
Rosary you will defeat him. With the rosary you will fight this great battle between good and evil and come out victorious.
Do not retreat! Do not be afraid. I am at your side to help you. The Holy Spirit of God is working with his grace for the good and the salvation of the world. Pray to the Holy Spirit. Ask every day for the light, grace and strength of the Holy Spirit and Jesus will send him from heaven upon you.
Believe in the power of God. Believe that God's love is more powerful than all evil. This work is mine, and against it the power of hell shall not prevail. You must have more faith so that you can deserve and see God's miracles come true every day. Only those who have faith, those who never doubt and are faithful, are able to understand the divine action every day, and are able to overcome all the attacks and the cunning of the infernal enemy.
Be humble and simple of heart to deserve God's graces and light. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!