Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Our Lady came once again from heaven to convey her appeals. Our Holy Mother calls for conversion, prayer and holiness. If we want to be God's let us free ourselves from the life of sin. In prayer we will find strength to overcome the devil, the world and the flesh. Trials are necessary because through them we purify ourselves of our imperfections and weaknesses. If we trust fully in the protection of God and in his merciful love, then he can help us by granting us the grace to overcome all spiritual barriers and trials.
Peace my beloved children!
This is the time for conversion, prayer and peace. Change your lives by renewing your hearts each day in God's love.
My children, you still do not pray as I ask you. Pray with faith, with love, and with your heart. Pray my rosary every day, only in this way you will have the strength to do what God wants from you, and you will not be discouraged or tired by the trials of life.
Pray a lot so that you will have the light from God to understand what you should do and how you should act.
Many of you have not yet opened your hearts to God, because I still see in them their will prevailing over God's will. Struggle, struggle to overcome your imperfections by being obedient to God's will.
Only God can help you, but if you don't open your hearts to him you will never change. Start walking again the road that leads to heaven. It is the road that my Son has prepared for each one of you to reach him. With prayer, with sacrifice and with penance you will manage to walk this road always going forward. Courage! I am here to help you and to bless you.
You have not yet truly opened your hearts to God, because you often sin and are disobedient. Sin no more! Ask forgiveness for your sins and return to God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!