Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Ribeirão Pires, SP, Brazil

Today, the Mother of God came to communicate to us another message of conversion:
Peace my beloved children!
My children, pray much for the conversion of the world. God our Lord sends me from heaven this night to tell you that He loves you.
My children, without prayer you cannot receive the graces that the Lord wishes to bestow upon you. You must pray, and pray every day with love and faith.
Pray the rosary. The rosary is a powerful prayer that wards off so many evils from you and your families. Many still do not pray the rosary as I have asked in my many appearances around the world. Pray my rosary with faith, with love, and with your heart, for in this way you will be united more and more to my Mother's Heart. Thank you for your presence here tonight. Today I give you many graces, so that you may be faithful to God and witness with love and life to his holy word to your brothers and sisters.
Do not be discouraged! Have faith. God is with you and blesses you always. Thank him for allowing me to come once again from heaven to your city to bless your families.
These are days of great graces for you, so I ask you, my children: be concerted and always cheer the Heart of my Son Jesus and my Mother's Heart by seriously living the messages I have already given you. Only in this way will you be able to merit the new graces that God wishes to grant you and your families. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Before leaving the Blessed Mother said:
Return to your homes with the peace of God!
Our Lady has already told us much in her message: she calls our attention when we leave prayer aside and do not pray as she so pleaded in her many apparitions. Many have not yet understood the importance of this message and close their hearts letting this moment of grace and encounter with the Lord pass by. Let us help, therefore, by taking this invitation from our Holy Mother seriously, renewing in our families the recitation of the rosary, so that we can obtain the strength and grace from God to persevere in our spiritual journey.