Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Comune di Vigolo, BG, Italy


My peace be with you!

I am Peace and my peace I give you. I am Love and I wish to heal the wounds of your souls. I wish to ease your pains and be the one who gives you consolation and joy.

If you allow me, I will give you the living water that quenches the thirst of your soul. Do not seek the illusions of the world that only bring you pain and suffering. Seek my words of eternal life that will open the doors to my kingdom of love and peace.

My Mother is the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, and I send her among you to enlighten you, to help you, and to comfort you. I desire that my Mother's words be heard, lived and spread to all who need my grace.

Children, my Mother pleads tirelessly before my Throne for you and for the world. She has asked me for some places to act and intervene for the salvation of the world: Itapiranga and Vigolo are these places. Do you understand the grace my Mother has obtained for you and for the world?

Open your hearts. Believe, pray, have faith, so that you can open your minds and can witness the wonders of heaven to your brothers and sisters by the light of the Holy Spirit. Pray as my Mother asked you to. Whoever prays as my Mother so much begged and requested makes my Sacred Heart happy.

Prayer is precious and holy, because it is your encounter with the King of Love and Peace. I love you and bless you with a special blessing. Have a simple and humble heart before me, and only then will you succeed in doing my will on earth.

Return to your homes with my blessing: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Our Lord came this evening, with his Holy Mother. They were both happy with the presence of those who were present at the apparition. I understood that Jesus wanted to teach us that just as everyone was in the Church to adore him in the Blessed Sacrament, that his immeasurable and boundless love was granting us the grace to continue this very sublime moment, now before him, through the extraordinary charism, granted by grace of the Holy Spirit. The Lord rich in mercy is one. Thus, we can understand that Jesus wants to make us understand that He is alive and present in the Eucharist, just as he was seeing Him at the time of the apparition. He educates us in faith, with the help of his grace. But Jesus asks us to pray, as his Blessed Mother pleaded with us in her many messages, so that we can understand how effective it is as a means to obtain the graces of heaven. For our prayer to have value before His eyes we must have a simple and humble heart, opening it to Him through prayer and faith.


