Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today, the Blessed Mother came once again to convey her call to us: a call of peace and love. Blessed are those who do not reject her maternal advice, guidance coming from God. I am left wondering what the Holy Mother has been telling us these days. In fact, the path she traces out for us is a path of conversion and holiness. Our Lady could not indicate any other path to us, because she is always in accordance with God's thought. To enter into the thought of God is a grace that few achieve, because many are not humble and small before God.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. Isaiah 55:8
Already the fact that we want to know more than the Mother of God and think we know everything shows us how much we need to learn and walk on this path that God points out to us, through her. Our Lady invites us to pray the rosary. He who cannot pray the rosary to Our Lady is still far from perfection, because she is the true sign of intercession and prayer that God indicates to us. The Blessed Mother of God made her life a true prayer: she is the true prayerer, the true disciple and intercessor, the model that we must follow. He who wants to leave Our Lady aside will hardly understand God's love, because God will reveal himself in depth only to those who first let themselves be formed by his Mother, just as he let himself be, when he was a simple fragile and tiny child. Jesus gave us the example: he loved, obeyed and let himself be educated by the Virgin and by St. Joseph. And what about us? Will we follow in Jesus' footsteps or continue in our rebellious life?
Peace my beloved children!
I am your Heavenly Mother and the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace.
Today I call you to prayer, love and peace. Open your hearts to God's call and change your lives.
My children, this is the time of grace. God sends me from heaven because He loves you. This is the great sign of God's love in these days, the presence of His heavenly Mother among you. I welcome your prayers and present them before the Throne of God.
My children, I ask you: if you want to make the Heart of my Son Jesus and my Mother's Heart happy, you must love and forgive.
Forgive, forgive, forgive, for forgiveness heals your souls. Be of God by truly loving your brothers. I bless you all and I say: pray, pray every day the holy rosary with love and with faith.
Thank you for your presence here this afternoon. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!