Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children!
My beloved children, pray the rosary every day for your families who are so much in need of God's grace and mercy.
Be obedient and live a holy life by confessing often and receiving the body and blood of my Son Jesus in the Eucharist. I invite you to have more love for my Son Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to go to Holy Mass, if possible every day.
Don't you want to be united with Jesus? Unite yourselves to Him in the Holy Mass and He will bless you. My children, the world is destroying itself in sin. Open your hearts to the calls of heaven. How many souls are condemning themselves to hell, right now, because many do not sacrifice and pray anymore for the salvation of the world.
Children, pray very, very, very hard for God's mercy to come down on all of humanity. I have come once again from heaven to bless you, because I love you.
I am your Mother, and I wish to have you one day with me in heaven. Strive for heaven. Seek the things above and not the things of the world.
Read and live the word of God. Help those who need it most, who suffer most and go through great suffering. Help your brothers. Do not harden your hearts before the pains and sufferings of those who cry out to you for help, just as I do not harden and close my Heart to their pains and pleas, my children.
Act! Act! Act! There is much work to be done and many souls to be saved. Make sure that my appeals reach the hearts of many of my children as soon as possible. My appeals lead you to Jesus and open the door for you to find salvation. Jesus wants to save you, that is why he sent me from heaven to revive, encourage and comfort you with my Mother presence, the presence of a Mother who fights for your happiness and salvation, my children.
Thank you for your presence and the prayers you have offered to the Lord today. I tell you that today a shower of graces descends from heaven upon you. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
In today's message, Our Lady outlined some important points in the life of every Christian: praying the rosary for our families, which are often falling apart for lack of God's grace, because many no longer pray together within a Christian home, frequently approaching the sacraments: confession and communion, if we want to be united with Jesus. Many people still do not understand the importance of the Holy Mass, Christ's sacrifice, and stop going to Church to do so many other things that will not take them to heaven. All this happens because of the hardness of the hearts and the ideas of the world that people absorb and accept, considering them as a source of truth, but which in reality are the lies of satan that lead to hell; immediately afterwards, the Virgin asks us to meditate and live the word of God, prayer and sacrifices offered for the salvation of souls and for the good of the world. She calls our attention not to close our hearts to the needs of our brothers and sisters who suffer so much. Many people are selfish, thinking only of themselves. Our Lady came to help us free ourselves from our selfishness. Many want God to help them, for God's graces to be poured out on them, but they don't move a finger to help those who need it most or are going through great suffering; they don't have the courage to bring a word of comfort to those who are desperate or afflicted; they want God and Our Lady to look after them or to come and visit them in their homes, but they don't want the same grace to happen to others and they don't rejoice when God changes the plans and begins to act also in the lives of other brothers and sisters, bestowing his graces and love. God will always correct us when he sees that we need correction. To know how to accept God's corrections is also an act of humility before Him, and a step towards holiness, because we put everything we have, even our imperfections and sins, into His hands, and what we have more in us, are only these things, than many works. It is God who sanctifies us and chooses the paths to such holiness, and it is not we who choose the holiness we desire or the path to follow. Let us always remember that.