Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

My peace be with you!
My children, I bless you and place you within my Sacred Heart.
I am here with my Blessed Mother to bestow upon you all my love. Pray as my Mother has asked of you and you will have my peace.
Obedience pleases my Heart. Whoever is disobedient and arrogant will never understand my love. Open your hearts and ask for the grace of true repentance for your sins, but ask with a humble heart before me and I will grant you this grace. You desire peace and you seek it, but often you do not want to correct your wrong attitudes. Let go of the wrong things, abandon your behavior that does not match my love, and I will give you the love that will heal your wounds, leaving peace in your souls.
You have received a great grace this night. Know how to value this grace that I give you in your hands. Be the little ones or even the big ones, to all I give this grace, so that they may witness my presence and love to their brothers. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Today, Jesus manifested himself with Our Lady. The two were beautiful and in their looks I understood the great love they have for humanity. The Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Our Lady beat in a single desire of love, for the salvation of all men. The Blessed Virgin was happy because today her Divine Son was transmitting His message and blessing us. I understood that today, on the Feast of His Mercy, Jesus was granting a great grace to the world through the intercession of Our Lady, but in a special way to the people of Ribeirão Pires. Let us open our hearts to God's love and this pure and holy love will heal the wounds that sin has left in our souls. Only the love of God can heal these wounds and can give us true peace. In these days, Jesus and Our Lady are revealing to us a spiritual and faith path. In order for us to understand the loving designs of heaven, we must be humble and have the good purpose to correct ourselves of our sins, so that God's grace may flood us and transform us completely. God is merciful, but to those who seek his mercy and to whom he desires to have mercy.
And I use mercy to the thousandth generation with those who love me and keep my commandments. (Exodus 20:6)
And God answered, "I will cause all my splendor to pass before you, and I will pronounce before you the name of Yahweh. I give my grace to whom I will, and show mercy to whom I please." (Exodus 33:19)
The Lord tells us two important things that we must have and live in our lives: obedience and humility. They grant us the fear of the Lord. Without them we cannot please his Sacred Heart, for disobedience and pride push his mercy away from us, for as the Virgin tells us in the Magnificat:... For he has looked upon the humility of his handmaid...His mercy extends from generation to generation upon those who fear him. He has manifested the power of his arm, he has disconcerted the hearts of the proud, he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly...
Let us meditate on these words of Our Holy Mother and we will never err, remaining always within the Heart of Jesus and under the protection of his merciful gaze that ardently desires our salvation.