Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
My children whom I love so much, be obedient to God and gladden His Divine Heart. I am here before you to fill your hearts with God's love and peace. Pray with faith and love. And I tell you also: renew your lives by frequently going to confession and taking communion, if you wish to be united with God. Open your hearts. Put out of your lives all the wrong things. Whoever wishes to belong to God cannot live in sin, nor can he grieve His Heart.
Free yourselves from sin, pray for those who are blind and who do not want to do the will of God.
Here I desire to do great things. I desire to help families, leading them to the source of Salvation, which is my Son Jesus.
Listen to what I tell you. Live my messages, and you will see God's miracles being worked in your lives and in your families.
Believe. Have faith. Do not doubt, because God wants to make you men and women of faith and prayer. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Today, Our Lady asks us to make a serious decision to live united to God. We cannot want to serve the Lord only half way, but must give ourselves completely into his hands. We cannot serve Him while still living in a life of sin. We must cleanse our souls, remove all the filth from our lives; lay aside the dirty and wrong things if we wish to deserve and receive in depth the love, blessings, and graces of God.
We cannot say that we are converted people if we are still the cause of discord and enmity, because of our sins, our jealousy or envy. In the lives of Our Lady's children these things must be banished and must not exist. What must exist and prevail in our lives is peace, harmony, kindness, mercy and love; unity and holiness. These are the goals and purposes that the children and servants of the Virgin Mother should have. Holy and precious purposes that lead us to heaven. Analyze now your spiritual and faith path and see where you need to improve and correct yourself, renewing your life in God's love.