Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children!
I, your Heavenly Mother, am here again, before you, because I love you. My children, love, love, love you too. Love God above all things and your neighbor. The mystery of holiness is hidden in love. The more you love, the more God will free you from your imperfections and give you the strength to overcome every temptation and every evil.
Sin displeases God, so my children, I invite you to ask forgiveness for your sins through confession, so that your souls and hearts may all belong to my Divine Son.
Jesus wishes to heal you of every wound that sin has left in your souls. Repent sincerely. Sin no more!
I love you and bless you, leading you always to the Heart of Jesus. Thank you for your presence here tonight. Thank you for your prayers and for hearing my call to conversion and prayer.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!