Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
My children, pray the rosary for the world and for peace. I wish to drive away so many calamities from you and from the world, but you still do not pray with your heart as I ask you. Learn to pray with your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit for this grace, that he may help you to pray well and with love.
My children, the world is in great danger and is going badly. Pray, pray, pray for the conversion of sinners. Satan wishes to destroy many souls with sin. Stop his evil intent by praying and fasting.
Once again I beg you: fast with love and with your heart, otherwise the justice of God will come down heavily on the world. Love and forgive each other. Repent of your wrong attitudes and return to the good path: God's holy way. I love you and I do not wish your unhappiness, but the good of your souls and the good of your families. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
During the apparition, I saw Our Lady coming from the Cathedral of Itacoatiara. It seemed that the Church was so close to me. She came from where her image is and arrived where I was at home. The Virgin was holding the rosary in both hands, just as she had first appeared to my mother. The rosary in the Virgin's hands shone brightly and she was all filled with light. Her mantle waved majestically as she was coming home. When she gave the message she prayed the Our Father and the Glories that God will always protect, help and bless us. As she was leaving, I saw when the cross on the hill in Itapiranga appeared, and that is where Our Lady went until she disappeared. I understood that she wanted to show us that Itapiranga is linked to the Prelature of Itacoatiara and Itacoatiara to Itapiranga. She made me understand that I must pray more and more for Bishop Carillo, because he is a precious part in his plan for the conversion and salvation of many souls.
The Virgin also gave me a vision. I saw the world being wrapped by her rosary and immediately afterwards the hands of Jesus that were placed over it I understood that as long as the world is being wrapped by Our Lady's rosary, Jesus will bless and protect us, driving away all evil, but when the world no longer prays this precious prayer and does not give value to the Holy Sacraments, then divine justice will come very strongly upon it.