Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, the peace of Jesus to you all!
My children, with my Heart in my hands, I beg you to return to God by truly living conversion in your lives.
Little children, if you want to belong to God, this is the right time. Don't waste any more time.
Don't be fooled by the devil or by the things and illusions of the world. Only in God is your true happiness. Decide now for God and he will one day give you the grace of salvation. The Lord is good and merciful to all those who sincerely seek him with a repentant heart for their sins. Come back, my children, come back to God.
Do not want to have that which is not yours and belongs only to the Lord. What is the Lord's is the Lord's. Everything that is for God's work alone should serve God's work. Those who approach the work of God for their own profit, if they do not make amends for their sins and repent, will never see the light of God and heaven, for they are condemning themselves, going to the road that leads to hell.
Repent, repent, repent. My motherly eyes and God's holy eyes see everything. Be humble, acknowledge your mistakes and make amends for your sins, and so God's light will shine on all who come back to our Hearts and ask for forgiveness. Pray, my children, pray that the devil does not win you over with the things of the world. Be strong. Fight against him! Pray the rosary. Pray the rosary. Pray the rosary with love and with your heart. Have you not yet understood that the rosary is the weapon I give you to defeat the devil and all evil?
Pray, pray, pray. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!