Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Tabatinga, AM, Brazil

This night, the Blessed Virgin appeared with the Child Jesus in her arms. Our Lady transmitted this message to me:
Peace be with you!
My beloved children, I come from heaven to help you and to bless you. Let your Mother lead you by me and I will lead you to my Son Jesus.
I come to bring God's peace to this city so much in need of it, with God's blessing and grace. Pray, pray, pray the rosary to overcome the devil. Here in this place where I appeared, I wish to grant many graces to all my children in need of God's peace, and to comfort the most suffering.
My children, do not fear those who bring violence and suffering, for they are nothing before God. In God is your strength and your true peace. I am the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace. True peace was for nine months inside my Mother's womb, and this peace I give you today: my Son Jesus. Be of my Son Jesus and you will have peace. Ask for forgiveness and my Son Jesus will always be with you. I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
During the apparition Our Lady prayed five glories for Tabatinga so that the peace of God will reign and that all hearts will be filled with her peace, so that evil, violence and all evil things that come from the devil will end. The Virgin looked at her Son Jesus in her arms and with her gaze conversed inwardly with Him. They both understood each other. After that, the Child Jesus turning majestically forward with a penetrating and powerful gaze blessed Tabatinga by tracing the sign of the cross over it seven times. It was the first time that I saw the Baby Jesus bless a city seven times in such a majestic and powerful way. This blessing that the Child Jesus gave over Tabatinga will change so many sad things in this city and if the people welcome the Virgin's appeals and do not despise them they will feel the power of this blessing and will be witnesses to the miracles of God and the changes that He will make destroying the evil that wanted to reign in this city.