Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
My children, I am bringing my conversion plans to full fulfillment. Intercede more and more so that all men and women learn to do the will of God more than their own will and the will of men.
Whoever wishes to adhere to my conversion projects must first learn to renounce all the things of the world, being humble and obedient to God's voice and to my Mother's calls.
My children, God is calling you to Him, through me. Trustingly place yourselves in the Lord's hands. Allow His Divine love to heal your hearts and convert you. Little children, so precious and dear to my Mother's Heart, love, love, love. Be the ones to spread God's love in the world. God is always at your side and never abandons you.
God is Love and this pure and holy love that is God wants to dwell in your hearts. A heart that loves God and lives in His love is a heart that is enlightened and full of life. An impure, ungrateful heart that does not know how to love and forgive will never see the light of God and enter heaven. Pray, love and forgive, and God will one day give you eternal life and much more than you can comprehend now or imagine.
I give you my motherly blessing: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!