Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
My dear children, I, your Mother, am here to bless you again. My Heart is full of love for you. Allow me to fill your hearts with my love. God loves you and desires your total conversion to him. Why do you often do not live and listen to my calls? Why do you often delay in opening your hearts to him?
Little children, understand that this is the opportune time for your conversion. Do not allow Satan to take you away from the path that I am pointing out to you. Pray the rosary to have the strength to overcome the snares and temptations that he throws at you at every moment.
Be God's with your heart, with your life, and with your whole being. Do not give up your purpose of conversion. Ask for my help and I will help you. Tomorrow, my children, many of them will go to Itapiranga, a holy place full of God's graces.
Little children, what God did in Itapiranga, He did not do in any city in the Amazon. For many years God made me come to Itapiranga to give you my messages. For many years God continues to grant them great graces, to convert their brothers and sisters and to sanctify their families, so Itapiranga will be as the Lord wishes.
There, my Son will make me better known and loved, just as St. Joseph and our three united Hearts will triumph in the hearts, lives and families of many of my children.
Pray, pray, pray with faith and God will hear your prayers. Pray with love and the evil that desires to destroy you will itself be destroyed. God is the Almighty and helps and protects all his children.
Thank you for your presence here tonight. Thank you for your prayers and for spreading my appeals to your brothers and sisters. I bless you with love: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
In this message, Our Lady is showing us the importance of Itapiranga in Amazonas. Itapiranga is a place where God's graces pour out in abundance for Brazil and for all humanity. For more than fifteen years, Our Lady has continued to pour out her maternal graces on all her sons and daughters. No one will ever be able to say that Our Lady was not generous and that she didn't remember someone, because she as Mother remembered each one of us and with great love she gives us her messages, eager to lead us along the path that leads to heaven. Our Lady loves us so much. Often when I stand before her I realize how imperfect and poor my love still is and how much I have to learn to love, to forgive and to be that person full of God and his love.
Help me, O dear Mother to be a person who transmits love to those in need. Help me to be all of God so that I can exude love and witness love to my brothers and sisters. May my life be given all to love, so that love may make me a giver of it to those who do not love. Amen!