Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

My peace to all of you!
I am Peace. I am Life. I am the Light of your souls. Pray, pray, pray. With prayer you will enter my merciful Heart. I want to enrich you with graces from heaven. You want Salvation, but you don't strive to deserve it. You want happiness, but you turn away from me. You cannot be mine if you want to follow the world's rumors.
The world has destroyed the virtues of your souls. I put some of my love in your hearts when I created you, but many of you have destroyed this love by sinning, committing outrage and ingratitude against me. Do not turn away from me. Obey my Mother, listen to her pleas. Surrender yourselves to the protection of my Father Joseph and you will be mine.
The apparitions of my Mother in the Amazon are the great grace of my Merciful Heart for all of you. Whoever lives the calls that my Mother left for you, in her many apparitions, will not see the fire of hell. Live the messages of my Mother. Leave behind your life of sin, adultery, ingratitude, unbelief, lack of faith, disobedience.
Come back to me. I am calling you and the world: come back, come back, come back, as my mercy is shining on you, before the day of justice comes. Ah, my justice, you do not know my justice, just as you have not yet known my mercy: my justice is great, and it weighs heavily on the whole world. Cry out for my mercy, that mercy may overcome justice, or else the day will be terrible when it comes to the world.
I am love and mercy itself, but I am also the Righteous of the Righteous, the Holy One, and I abhor all sin. Be in my grace always, so that you may always see my mercy shining in your lives. I love you. Do you truly love me? Be mine by joining in my love, for my love already surrounds you right now. Be mine by praying, for my holy gaze is already watching over you and your families.
Live in union with me profoundly, for I am already united with all those who have given themselves to the Heart of my Mother and Father Joseph by living their calls. Be mine by loving your brothers, for I am also united and present in all those who fulfill and obey my will. I bless you all with a special blessing, like all humanity: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!