Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I have gathered you once again in prayer, because the world is in great need of it. Pray my children, pray for all humanity. How many sins my children commit, thus attracting the justice of God.
Stop the devil's action by praying, by sacrificing more and more. When you pray, the world for a moment is freed from the influence of the devil and his demonic action. If everyone prayed as I have asked you to do, many would have already returned to God, to the good path.
Understand that this is the time to intercede more and more for your conversion, dear children, and for the conversion of your brothers. I love you and desire to lead you to God. I give you my motherly blessing: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
"Man will never be able to fully explore his inner self, this is God's secret that only he can unravel as he sees fit. Finally, in the realm of spirits, great value is placed on man's inner self: the angels have a mission to protect him; evil spirits seek to take possession of him; God has chosen him for his dwelling place. But created spirits, good or evil, have no access to this inmost being, they cannot read the thoughts of the heart - only God can do that. There are also certain spiritual means for the soul to relate to other created spirits. What is an inner word in it serves as a means to address the other spirits. This is how St. Thomas Aquinas considers the language with which angels relate to each other: it would be a spiritual relationship, with the intention of communicating what is happening internally. The same must be supposed about the silent invocation of the holy guardian angel, as well as the appeal to evil spirits. But even leaving aside our intention of communication, the created spirits have some access to what is going on in us - not inwardly, but what has concretely entered the inner context of the soul. This serves them to conjecture what is going on outside their vision. As for the angels, we have to admit that they reverently respect the sanctuary of the soul: their only desire is to lead it to recollection and surrender to God. The devil, however, tries to take possession of what belongs to God; he cannot do it by himself, but the soul can give itself to him, which it would not do if it were always recollected in God. But how can it reach this hideous surrender? There is only one explanation: the soul, from the outside, takes itself and gives itself up, without even knowing what it is giving up. Not even the devil can break the seal of that which is delivered locked away! He may destroy it, but it will remain hidden from him forever. The right of self-determination is the inalienable property of the soul. It is the great mystery of personal freedom that is respected even by God Himself - only by the generous offer of love by the created spirits does God want to dominate them. He knows the "thoughts of the heart," he penetrates the deepest depths of the soul where even the soul cannot penetrate without divine illumination: nevertheless, God does not want to take possession of it without its consent." Edith Stein, saint. The science of the cross. Edições Loyola, São Paulo, Brazil, p.134 and 135, 1988.