Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
Dear children, today I come from heaven to ask for prayers for all families throughout the world. Pray for the families. Families are seriously wounded, because sin has spread like a cancer within them. The devil has brought many families to ruin because of their disobedience to God.
Little children, I invite you: live obedience deeply. Obedience sanctifies you. Obedience makes you pleasing to God, deserving his blessing. I ask you with my Immaculate Heart burning with love for families: pray, love one another, be obedient, and God will save you and your homes from eternal damnation. Thank you for your presence here tonight. Your prayers today have led many families to God. Thank you for this additional joy that you have given to the Heart of your Heavenly Mother. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
" In the future I will know whether or not you have followed the spotless Lamb. The sign will be this: your obedience. I have told you before. I want you to learn from Jesus Christ, who obeyed even unto death, carrying out the will of the Father. God expects the same from you. That you do His will, that you obey the rule..., mirroring Him. It is better to die than to disobey... I made the last statement, because sometimes the devil leads us to consider certain attitudes as virtuous and causing more devotion. That is when we disobey, choosing places and times for the life of piety, thinking: "At another time and place I feel greater consolation and peace in my soul. I want you to follow obedience, not the desire for spiritual consolations. Be careful! There is a hidden deception in this attitude, which tests all servants of God. Under the guise of serving God, we can disserve Him. You know that the power to serve or to disserve God is in our will alone. Come on, my children, be obedient unto death. Look! The more humble you are, the more obedient you will be. From obedience springs humility, from humility springs obedience. You will seek charity in the wound of Christ's heart. There I want you to seek rest and dwelling. ( Catherine of Siena, Saint, 1347-1380. Complete letters / [translation João Alves Basílio] -São Paulo: Paulus, p. 125 and 126, 2005. {Spirituality}