Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, on this beautiful night when God has manifested all his love by sending his Beloved Son into the world, I come from heaven, bringing in my arms the one who is true peace. Little children, behold my Son Jesus. Behold the peace of your lives. Behold the One who is Pure and Holy Love. Ask my Son to bless you and your families, and he will not deny you his grace. Today, I come with my Son Jesus and St. Joseph to tell you that more than ever you should pray for families. God desires the sanctification of every home, every family. Witness with your lives my maternal appeals, being true evangelizers of the kingdom of God to your brothers and sisters.
Your Mother loves you. Today I beg my Divine Son to bless you. I want all of you to be with me one day in heaven with my Son Jesus and St. Joseph. Little children, you have received great blessings and special graces tonight. Pray with love so that your prayers will have value before me and my Son. Do not look for what does not lead you to God, but look for what brings you closer to Him: confession, prayer, the Eucharist, and the Bible. God speaks to you every day through his Holy Word. Read his Holy Words to have the light for your souls and the healing of your hearts that have often been extinguished with sin, losing their divine light and grace. I love you and I am by your side to lead you along the road that leads to heaven. Peace my dear children, peace for all of you and for all humanity. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
"Our Lady appeared accompanied by the Child Jesus and St. Joseph. They were very illuminated and were showing their Most Holy Hearts. The Virgin and St. Joseph were showing Jesus to
everyone who was present at the apparition. I saw some scenes from their lives that they showed me. I thanked God for yet another great grace that he has granted me. I am not worthy of them, but I know that everything is part of his project of love and salvation of humanity."