Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my dear children, the peace of my Son Jesus and my peace to you all!
His Mother again comes down from heaven to bless you. Live with love and faith the Gospel of my son Jesus. Live deeply the message of conversion that he told you to tell and transmit to you. I love you and desire your full sanctification. Be united to God so that you may become holy people. Don't stop on the path of conversion. Don't be deceived by the calls of the world, but listen to my maternal appeals for you to walk on the safe road that leads to heaven. The time God gives you is the time to learn to love and forgive, so don't waste this precious time on useless and frivolous things. Be those who welcome God's holy words with love and put them into practice. I invite you again to prayer. Pray the rosary. The rosary is a precious and powerful prayer. It is the prayer that destroys hell and opens the gates of heaven for you. Pray the because heaven is for those who pray the rosary with love, meditating its holy mysteries that God gave them. My children, I love you. Never forget these words of My Mother, no matter what happens, but remain faithful to My calls and the Church. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
"Today the Virgin asked us again to pray the rosary. If we understood how powerful this prayer is we would not leave it aside. Our Lady wants to make us missionaries of her rosary, so that this prayer reaches everywhere and is prayed with love and with the heart. How many graces God grants to those who pray the rosary with faith and love:they are infinite and great graces."