Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you! Dear children, today I invite you to honor with your heart the great sign of salvation that my Son has given you, his cross. Honor it in your homes and pray before it, for in this way you will receive God's graces. From the cross of my Son emanate these graces for you and your blessings. Be of my Son by uniting yourself to his infinite merits of his passion and death on the cross, rising as new men and women in the grace of God. I, your Mother, love you and pray for each of you before the cross of my Son for peace and for your families. Return to your homes in God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
"What a wonderful thing it is to possess the Cross! Whoever possesses it, possesses a treasure! On this day when the liturgy of the Church celebrates the exaltation of the holy cross, the Gospel we have just heard reminds us of the meaning of this great mystery: God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that men might be saved. The Son of God became vulnerable, assuming the condition of a servant, obeying even to death, and death on a cross. Through His Cross we are saved. The instrument of torture that, on Good Friday, manifested God's judgment on the world, became a source of life, of forgiveness, of mercy, a sign of reconciliation and peace. "To be cured of sin, let us look at Christ Crucified!"-said St. Augustine.
Raising our eyes to the Crucifix, we adore the One who came to take on the sins of the world and give us eternal life. And the Church invites us to raise, honored, this Cross, glorious, so that the world can see how far the Crucified One's love for men reaches. She invites us to give thanks to God, because from the tree that produced death, life has sprung up again. It is on this tree that Jesus reveals to us His majesty, sovereign, reveals to us that He is exalted in glory. Yes, "Come, let us worship Him!" In our midst is the One who loved us to the point of giving His life for us, the One who invites every human being to approach Him with confidence." Benedict XVI