Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber - Feast of his Most Chaste Heart

The peace of Jesus to all of you, dear children! My son, see my Heart how it is filled with love for men. Tell your imrãos and sisters that I desire to protect and bless them. Tell them to take refuge in my Most Chaste Heart. It is Jesus who desires this. My Divine Son has once again sent me here in the Amazon. Amazonas has been blessed with my presence in a special way. I asked my Son that my Heart be revealed to the world here. What God has accomplished here and continues to accomplish is something great. I say this to your brothers. If you knew how precious this place is in the eyes of God you would not waste so many graces. I desire to help you to do the Lord's will. I really want true devotees and not people who don't live their faith or who live it only in appearances. I want sons and daughters who witness in the world the love of Christ and live it deeply in their lives. Be true. Free yourselves from the world to be all of God. Imitate my virtues so that God's grace may envelop you. Be faithful to the calls of God, for when God speaks he wants to be heard. Do not close your hearts to his call, to his voice, but be obedient, obedient, obedient. Be humble and you will obtain everything from the Heart of Jesus.
Pray for the bewildered world. The world is destroying itself in sin, because it has abandoned God. Bring your brothers back to the right path by being generous in prayer and sacrifice. Do not complain about your crosses. Do not hurt your brothers with harsh words, because of your selfishness. Know how to love and serve everyone and be patient, for he who is patient will go to heaven. I have already given you so many graces, now distribute these graces to your brothers, witnessing God's messages to them. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!