Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, January 7, 2008
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber in Brescia, BS, Italy

My peace be with you!
I am the King of heaven and earth and I come to you, my child, in your littleness and misery to reveal my divine desires to you. Today you have prayed with great fervor the prayer that my beloved Father Joseph pointed out to you long ago. My Father, humble among all men who have ever existed, is the one who is great and blessed, whom the heavens acclaim and give him all the honors and glories, because he has grown in grace and holiness at my side and at the side of my beloved Mother Mary Most Holy. I have told you that you must love and honor him with all your heart, for in so doing you will give glory and honor to my Heart, which is united to the Heart of Mary and the Heart of Joseph in love.
The Church has declared him as Patron and protector, and it is my will that it should be so, and that all men should have recourse to this son of David and righteous man who is my Virgin Father. Therefore, my son, I wish that you honor him even more when you pray the Hail Joseph prayer in his honor and that you teach all men of good will, faithful and obedient children of the Church. Pray the prayer from this day forward in this way:
Hail Joseph, son of David, just and chaste man, Wisdom is with you, blessed are you among all men and blessed is Jesus, the fruit of Mary, your faithful spouse.
St. Joseph, worthy Father and Protector of Jesus Christ and the Holy Church, pray for us sinners and obtain for us from God the Divine Wisdom, now and at the hour of our death. Amen!
...In this way you honor my virginal Father Joseph even more, glorifying and exalting his holy name as Protector of the Holy Church and intercessor who obtains for you the necessary graces from my Divine Heart for your salvation for your bodily and spiritual needs, as well as the Divine Wisdom that many men need today, in these times, to be just and holy, loving justice, for Wisdom will never enter the wicked soul, nor dwell in the body subject to sin. In this way I want to show the world and the Church how pure and holy my Father Joseph was in my eyes, in the eyes of my Father in heaven, and before the Holy Spirit, who chose him for such a great mission. The Holy Trinity wrapped St. Joseph with its blessing and grace and sanctified him already as a baby in the womb of his mother Rachel, through the Holy Spirit, the sanctifier of souls. Spread this message of mine to the Church and to the world and be a just, chaste, prudent, strong, obedient, faithful and patient son, full of love who welcomes God's graces just as my beloved Father Joseph did throughout his life. Imitate his virtues, the virtues of my virginal Father Joseph, and you and all others who hear and live this message will grow in grace and holiness. I bless you and the whole Church: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
With this message Jesus wishes to show us three things, with the words added in the Hail Joseph prayer: the term "son of David" (of which Tribe of Israel St. Joseph belonged and of which he reigns as Patriarch, in addition to the Davidic descent that was to be given to Jesus), virginal ( showing the Church and the world the virginity of St. Joseph. Hence we understand that if St. Joseph has a chaste Heart then he is pure and virginal in his whole being: of mind, body, heart and soul. As Jesus tells us in the Beatitudes, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God",Mt 5:8, St. Joseph not only saw, but touched, embraced and kissed the one whom heaven and earth cannot contain, covering him with his protective mantle and defending him against every evil and danger), Protector of Holy Church ( St. Joseph was declared by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1870 as the Patron and Universal Protector of the Catholic Church). Jesus recalled this event in the same message of 07.01.08:
"The Church has declared him as Patron and Protector and it is my will that it be so and that all men have recourse to this Son of David and righteous man who is my virginal Father."