Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, October 7, 2006
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children of my Immaculate Heart, I am the Lady of the Rosary, your Mother who speaks to you. Listen to this heavenly message that Almighty God sends me to tell you. The time of grace is already ending to give way to the time of great tribulations for all mankind.
Pray much for the conversion of sinners. Pray a lot for the young people. Many young people are offending my Son Jesus with filthy sins, all because of their own parents, who do not teach them the things of God and do not teach their children to pray as they should. Many parents do not even pray with their children one Our Father and one Hail Mary every day. This is why their children find themselves with their souls rotting in sin and living as true atheists in this world.
Pray for the fathers and mothers with cold and hardened hearts towards God, that they may be converted. God will charge them for every child lost in sin. See how serious the world situation is, little children. This is happening to many families in various parts of the world. Therefore, the punishment that will come from heaven for all mankind will be great, because men offend God so much. This I said at Fatima to my three little shepherds: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. Humanity will suffer much, and men will not bear what is coming. Already the warning that God will send will be tremendous. A great heat will come and the earth will be as if in great flames, because there will be no water, because everything will dry up and what there is will be hot. The affliction will increase even more when they see the great light appearing in the sky and they will understand that everything comes from God. That is when all the great sufferings will begin, until the arrival of the great punishment. I tell you that the great drought will come. Prepare yourselves. The water you see now will no longer exist to quench the thirst of many, because men have been bad instead of being good. They should have visited the Blessed Sacrament many times, but they denied the graces and the divine presence of my Son Jesus present in all the tabernacles of the earth. They have not meditated on the passion of my Son Jesus as they should, not seeking to repent of their sins, so the great punishment will come. Pray, pray, pray. Pray the rosary to win the great spiritual battle. Pray the rosary every day to achieve peace for the world and an end to wars and conflicts. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!