Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, June 23, 2006
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

My peace be with you!
My little children, I love you. My Heart is full of love. I desire to share my heavenly graces with all men. I desire the salvation of all. Help me to save sinners. Do not be weak in faith, but be firm in prayer and sacrifices. Many people are blinded by Satan. Satan is doing great damage to many souls, because many of my children allow themselves to be seduced by him. Those who were following my way are turning again to the way that leads to hell. I have already warned you through my Holy Mother about the existence of hell, and I speak to you again in this message. Hell is terrible. It is to live totally away from me, your God, my little children. The souls condemned to hell suffer unceasing atrocious pains that are caused by the fire that burns and tortures them. Many demons make these souls suffer because of the sins they committed while they were still living in this world. I tell you little children: those who have heard my Mother's messages and have despised them, returning to their life of sin, not listening to her most holy voice, making a mockery of her presence here will be thrown into the most burning and terrible fire in hell if they do not repent now in life, because I am giving them a once in a lifetime opportunity not granted to so many others. These people must repent and get back on the right path, for they wound my Heart strongly, because of their rebellion and disobedience. Pray, pray, pray for the salvation of mankind, because the day is near when Satan and all the demons of hell will be defeated by the breath of my lips alone. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!