Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

The peace of Jesus be with you all!
My son, I come this night to bless all humanity united with my Son Jesus. God sends me here because He loves you so much. He wants to see you rich with his graces from heaven. Open your hearts to God so that he can make a dwelling in them as he has made a dwelling in my Most Chaste Heart. Be of God and not of the world. In the world you will only find lack of faith, sorrows, bitterness, hatred and impurity, but in God you will find love, peace, grace and holiness.
Through my intercession before my Son Jesus, and through the prayers of the thousands of devotees who pray for my help, great calamities and sorrows have yet to be removed from you. But if men do not convert and change their lives, very sad things can happen here in your state. Pray, convert and fast, because the devil is angry and wants to act to cause you great harm. Ask for my help and I will defend you.
Remember my son, I love you very much and I will always protect you. Once again you have received a great sign of my love for you that I have defended you from greater danger with the accident that happened these days. I love you and I don't want any harm to come to you, because you have the mission of spreading the devotion of my Heart to your brothers. Thank God for this great grace you have received, because a great danger has been removed far away from you. I bless you all, together with my Son Jesus: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
25.03.05 - Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord
The Virgin appeared with the Crucified Jesus, all bloodied and suffering. Our Lady was very sad and behind the cross, on top, with her arms open, as if to show Jesus to everyone present:
My little child, see my Son Jesus how he is!
My Son suffers greatly from the sins of the world. He sheds blood from his wounds because his Church is desolate and black because of so many sins. Pray, pray and help me to repair these sins committed against my Son: sins of impurity, of infidelity, of unbelief and atheism. Many of my children do not want to open their hearts to God and reject all the graces and blessings that my Son Jesus wishes to bestow upon them, so my Son suffers, because many are condemning themselves to hellfire, unwilling to repent of their sins. Many are dying in mortal sin right now. What a pain for my Heart and the Heart of my Son. Pray a lot for the conversion of sinners. Brazil will suffer a great earthquake and Rio de Janeiro will be invaded and swallowed by the waters of the sea. Make many sacrifices, penances and fasting so that this evil may be driven away because many will die... (Our Lady began to shed tears from her eyes and then disappeared with Jesus)