Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, October 9, 2005
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I, your Mother, desire to continually lead you to God. Accept my calls. Spread them to all your brothers and sisters, because so many are in darkness.
Little children, be quick. God gives you so many opportunities and occasions to spread my messages, but you stand still. It is necessary to act much more so that we can bring those my most distant and rebellious children to the Heart of my Son Jesus.
O Amazonas, be converted. God is giving you a sign for this time to avoid the worst later on, because His justice will be great. It is time to pray, to convert.
My children, I tell you again: don't waste time. Pray more. Even the fact that you are praying is a grace that God gives you. If I did not come down from heaven and invite you to pray, you would be in a deep sleep, but here I am to wake you up, to revive you. I beg you: sin no more. Live love towards God and your brothers. Spread peace and love everywhere.
Nature is changing my children. It is the sign that God is giving to the world before the great transformation. God will give yet another sign through the animals, the birds of the sky, before the serious one. Even the animals perceive the signs of the times, and men do not, because they allow themselves to be blinded by the devil.
I tell you again: a great fire will fall from the sky and destroy many cities, the most sinful ones. Pray, pray, pray, while there is still time. I have come from heaven to help you, so that the worst can be avoided. I cover you with my mantle this night, and I give you a special blessing, so that you can be firm in the trials to come. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!