Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, October 3, 2005
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am your heavenly Mother, and I wish this evening to invite you to love and peace. How happy I am that you are here tonight. I love you so much and desire to help you in your difficulties.
I want you to listen to my calls and take them to your brothers and sisters. The world needs many prayers. The devil is destroying many souls with sin, so pray little children. When you pray he is powerless.
I say to the mothers and fathers here present: take care of your children. Teach them what is right, but never do their will, because then you will be collaborating with the enemy to destroy virtues and all that is good in them. Teach what is right. This is what I want. Many fathers and mothers are doing the will of their own children by being induced by them, thus accepting the wrong things. This is very serious. It is the responsibility of fathers and mothers to give their children what is necessary, but not things that will harm them. Fathers and mothers should pray a lot to the Holy Spirit to enlighten them how they should act, speak and educate their own children.
The devil is destroying many children of various couples because these parents only give their children material things by encouraging them to the cult of pleasure and materialism. Pray, pray, pray and do many penances fathers and mothers to save your children from all evil.
The world is blackened by sin. The devil is investing very strongly, but if you pray the evil will be destroyed. I come from heaven with all the Archangels and Angels of Heaven to fight a great battle against the demons of hell.
Here in Manaus, the devil is wanting to realize his kingdom of darkness, so he can come in counter-attack to Itapiranga, the place chosen by me, to pour graces over the whole world. But I tell you: he will not succeed. Only God will triumph. I want through your prayers to banish Satan and all the demons forever from your state. Help me: pray and convert. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!