Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Message from God The Father to Edson Glauber

I am He Who Am! Be obedient to my messages, to the invitations to conversion that I give you through my beloved Queen. Disobedience displeases me. How ugly is a disobedient soul. It resembles a dry branch ready to be burned in the fire. If men do not change and are not obedient they will be purified by fire to learn to listen to me, the Lord...
Our Lady also said a message:
My son, see that the Father is indignant with mankind, who offend him by outraging and blaspheming against his Holy Name. The Lord desires the return of each one of you.
Mankind is about to be purified and punished for its sins. Before the great punishment the Lord will give his sign in the sky, when the cross will appear and illuminate it with his light. It will last as long as necessary, and when it breaks up it will emit its rays into the sun, which will make it much hotter. Explosions will occur on the sun that scientists cannot explain. Thus the earth will be purified, before the worst of it happens. But men will feel a great remorse of conscience for not having listened to the Lord's appeals.
God wants the salvation of all, He wants all men to find the light. Ask for his mercy and know how to respect his Holy Name, and thus his grace will descend upon you.