Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, July 11, 2005
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

God wishes to grant you countless graces, but many of you sometimes despise these graces because you sin, returning to your wrong attitudes. No my children, do not give in, but overcome every evil by praying and fasting.
The devil is out to destroy peace in a way never seen before, and is using men with proud hearts to bring about a great catastrophe. Pray, I beg you, because great sorrows are coming. Many countries that have rebelled against the Lord will suffer the consequences of their own sins. Many countries will vanish from the face of the earth when the great terrible day comes.
The earth will shake in a way never seen before, and from the sky will come a great fire that will burn everything. There will be no water to drink because everything will be contaminated, and desperate people will try to escape, but they cannot. I am telling you this not to frighten you, but to warn you while it is still time.
This will happen if men do not return to God. The Angels of the Lord, by their order, have already poured out the bowls of righteousness on the world. Many things will change: cold will come in hot places, and terrible heat in cold places. Pray, pray, pray. Amazons, listen to me: it is your Mother who is calling you!...Priests, priests, how much I suffer for you, for not having listened to me. You will have a great responsibility before the Lord who will charge you for each lost soul. Woe to the bad priest who lets his sheep go astray because of his bad example and scandals.