Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Brescia, BS, Italy

Message from Jesus
My peace be with you and may my blessing help you to live in my grace and always in my presence...Be strong. Try to perfect yourself each day by following my footsteps and living my teachings. Look, my Heart is full of love for you and for souls. Try to make your heart resemble my meek and humble Heart. I love you so much my son...The devil wishes to take many souls to hell. Help me to save these souls for Heaven. I have already revealed my wonders to you and granted you many graces. For a long time I have been preparing you for this work of mine.
Increase your faith. I want you to be a man of faith, to witness my love and my divine presence to the world, and in a special way to the youth. Edson, pray for the young people. How many young people on the road to perdition. How many horrible sins I receive from the youth: they are sins of emorality, blasphemy and atheism?
My Heart is saddened for these little souls without light, who are blind, because there is no one to lead them to the safe flock. And you, my son, do you still wish to help me save these souls?
I will always be at your side to help you. I will never abandon you, for I am the God of Love and Peace. I am the salvation of your soul, my son, the One who always watches over you and wants to help you. You are precious to me: I have chosen you and your mother to help me in the salvation of souls. Your mother has helped me to save so many, but the number of souls that I want her to save with her prayers, sacrifices and penances is not yet complete. I look at the world and see horrible things happening: priests, priests, what a shame on your part with such dirty, low sins. You should set the example of a holy life, but you are scandalizing My little children. Remember my words: woe to those from whom scandal comes. Convert yourselves and bend your knees to the ground and cry for mercy, for my justice is weighing heavily on you. Woe to that priest who is not faithful to his vocation and mission, and transcends his holy service to follow the world and its deceptions: he will be terribly charged for every soul he has let get lost in sin.
There are many priests in darkness because they do not ask my Mother's help, because they are not humble and simple. Draw close to the Immaculate Heart of my Mother and you will know how to do my will and be faithful to my voice, to what I ask of you.
Now I speak to the women, who are often the cause of sin for many men: give a good example of life. Dress with dignity as true daughters of God. How many scandals in my house, in my Holy Temple. Women, women, My Holy Look sees everything. Do not let the devil use you to destroy the souls of many men, for I tell you that for every harm done to a soul, you will not be exempt from being punished and charged.
I want you, when you come to church, to come properly dressed, with your bodies well covered. And that you come in skirts or dresses, and not in veiled pants? To your bodies. This is a warning and a guideline. Enough of this error! Take a dignified attitude and set a good example.
Men, men, now I speak to you: from you, my Heart has often received many offenses. Not all of you, but most of you live like real animals rather than like real Christians. How many men offend Me in filthy places, attracted by the sins of the flesh. Pray men, pray, because the devil wants to make you the scum he passes through and steps on. Ask for the light of the Holy Spirit and the gift of Fortitude.
As you see my son, there are so many sins, error upon horrible error, and a great number of those who are being seduced and deceived by evil. I beg you all: live my calls, surrender to my Heart, and you will be able to overcome all evils.
Now I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!