Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, June 23, 2001
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber - Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

I saw the Blessed Virgin in the Church of Our Lady of Remedies, in Manaus. She was very beautiful. This apparition took place at the time of communion, when I received communion. The Virgin appeared in the place in front of the altar, at the moment that Father James was giving communion to the faithful. She was a little above him, in the air. Her mantle was wide and there were two angels holding it behind the Virgin. It was of a silvery white color and inside it was blue in color. The tunic was white, in the same style as the cloak. It showed her Immaculate Heart which was a very bright red color, the likes of which I had never seen before and which scattered intense rays of light over everyone in the Church. I also understood that the rays coming from her Heart were also destined for the whole world.
On the Virgin's head was a crown of white roses. She was very happy and said to me,
The Lord sends me here so that humanity may be benefited with his graces through my Immaculate Heart and my maternal blessing.
Today the world and the Church are receiving my blessings and graces, which come from the Lord and are transmitted to them by the rays that come from my maternal Heart...
Looking at Father..., the Virgin approached delicately and placed her right hand on him. She bowed her head as a sign of respect to Jesus in the Eucharist and to the Father who was distributing it to the faithful, for he is a minister of God. The very joyful Virgin asked me to say to the Priest:
Tell my beloved son that my Immaculate Heart exults with joy and that I am very grateful that he has allowed a procession to be held in honor of this pure and virginal Heart of mine, which the Lord God has given me, enriching it with his love, his graces and his blessings, being his vessel of virtues, graces and safe protection to all those who approach it with love, with devotion and respect; for the Lord God, rich in love and mercy and, desirous of granting salvation to souls, helping them, by a simple gesture of love made to his most holy Mother shows himself generous and willing to distribute ever more of his gifts and his graces to all his children.
It was at this moment that the Mother of God, slowly lowering herself from where she was standing touched with her feet the floor of the Church where the Father had distributed communion to the faithful, right in the center.
From the beginning of the apparition I had already noticed that the Virgin did not have the cloud that is always under her feet, and I understood then why after this act of hers. She remained silent for a few moments, looking at me and at everyone in the Church. I said to myself,
Forgive me my mother, for not kneeling, for if I do this I will draw the attention of people who will realize that something is happening. So I stay seated!...
She was smiling as if listening to me. Then I kept thinking to myself:
How I wish I could go to where the Lady is and be able to kiss her feet that touch this floor, as well as kiss the place where the Lady is stepping, because it looks so dirty for her holy, beautiful, perfect feet to step on!
And she smiling even more said to me,
Every place in God's house is holy and worthy of respect. For God everything is clean and perfect, for where the Lord is everything is sanctified by his presence. True filth enters his house, his Holy Temple, only when men come to the Church with their souls rotten by the most horrible sins and so often address the Holy altar of the Lord, offending him with horrible sacrileges and outrages committed against him in the Most Holy Eucharist. Only in this way does uncleanness enter the House of God.
Then she stretched out her two hands over the people present, as if praying for her children silently. Immediately afterwards, lowering her hands, she looked again at me saying,
It is here, in this most sublime moment, of God's union with souls, at the moment of communion, that great miracles are worked and so many hearts are renewed by his love. This is the moment when the Lord heals many people from spiritual blindness, from coldness and hardness of hearts, granting them many spiritual graces, as well as many corporal graces for their illnesses.
I am the Queen of all hearts and I desire to have their hearts warmed here, within my Immaculate Heart, by my flame of love, so that they may be inflamed more and more by a great and deep love for the Lord.
I saw many small hearts that entered the Heart of Our Lady and they all became beautiful, illuminated and of a vivid color just like her Immaculate Heart. The Virgin continued saying:
Here in this place where I appeared the Lord wishes to heal many souls with his love, offering all my children the remedy for their infirmities, by means of the Eucharist received holy and worthily and by the graces that gush from my Immaculate Heart, which his Heavenly Mother deigned to reveal to him so maternal and loving towards her children and as a strong and effective means to obtain God's graces. To all of you my maternal and loving blessing from the bottom of my Heart: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
I also saw the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, which appeared above the Virgin, very luminous and beautiful, with the white lilies surrounding it. I understood that the Virgin, on the feast of her Immaculate Heart was asking the Church to recognize the feast of the Heart of St. Joseph and his devotion.