Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, July 28, 2000
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I, your Mother and Mother of all humanity, wish to tell you that I am very happy with your presence. I thank you for your prayers, because they are helping me to save so many souls.
Jesus blesses you and loves you so much. He desires your salvation so much. Persevere on your way to heaven. God will always help you and so will I. From this place I bless all the young people in the whole world.
I began my work in Itapiranga, in Amazonas, and now I continue it here and in other places where young people have heard my call of love. I am happy with the presence of all my children who came here, from various parts, to honor me.
To all of them I say: pray in your homes. Dear fathers and mothers, take an attitude of responsibility and of Christian commitment made to God at the moment of marriage. So many fathers and mothers have their children on the path of evil, because they have cooled down in their faith and have not given a good example of life to them. Pray the rosary as a family and God will change the difficult situations that your homes and your children are going through.
Children, love your parents and respect them. Know that he who honors his father and mother, has God's blessing and protection, will not suffer with his own children, but will have the necessary help; but he who does not live this commandment of God and does not respect it will suffer much in this world, and if he does not repent, he will not receive eternal life, but eternal suffering. So love your father and mother and respect them, even if they have made some mistake that has made you suffer a lot. Forgive, forgive, forgive.
Now my Mother's blessing: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Before leaving, Our Lady said:
Always ask for the intercession of St. John the Evangelist, because he also protects all the young people in the group, like the young people of the whole world.
Our Lady appeared accompanied by Saint Therese, Saint Gemma Galgani, Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin, and Saint John the Evangelist.