Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, July 15, 2000
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber

On July 15th, 2000 , after Mass , when I was praying the rosary, God revealed to me something about the union of the three hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. First, by a light I understood the union of St. Joseph in the mystery of the Incarnation. With each joyful mystery of the rosary I came to understand St. Joseph's participation in the work of redemption: in the annunciation, the visitation, the birth of Jesus, the presentation, and the loss and meeting of Jesus in the temple.
I saw the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph radiant, wrapped in light. This vision married great contemplation and made me understand how much the Heart of St. Joseph is full of love and grace, and how much God wishes through this Heart to grant so many lights and graces to men so that they may be saved.
Seeing this vision I felt all wrapped up and absorbed by the presence of God who performed wonders in St. Joseph and I learned something of his great holiness, glory and power that men ignore. How God desires men to draw near to such a great source of grace, but they reject it.
After that I saw the three hearts: of Jesus, Mary and Joseph which were united into one. This vision was repeated three times so that I understood well its meaning. It was one radiant and luminous heart that lived with intensity of love and union, honoring, adoring and glorifying the Holy Trinity in everything. Immediately afterwards I saw a great eye: it was the all-seeing eye of God. I felt a great and holy fear. I felt very small. Through that eye I saw my nothingness and my weakness, and I asked God to forgive me for my defects. Thus I was enlightened concerning the great majesty of God who is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient and all this was as it were imprinted in my mind and in my soul.
Then St. Joseph appeared to me, who with a beautiful fatherly smile was showing me his Most Chaste Heart. I understood that his connection and union with the Father is very great and intimate, for it was the Father who chose him to represent him in this world in his paternity towards his Divine Son Jesus. St. Joseph blessed me and disappeared.
After that I saw the Hand of God who in the form of the Trinity was blessing me as well. I understood that the Father was blessing me together with St. Joseph, so that I would be faithful to the mission he had entrusted to me: that of spreading the devotion of this Most Chaste Heart.
When St. Joseph is duly honored and glorified the Father will be too, because men honoring St. Joseph will glorify God who accomplished great things in his life and chose him as his representative in this world. Thus, remembering the Fatherhood of St. Joseph toward the Child Jesus will also remember the Fatherhood of God who is the Father of all.
On the other days, the Virgin appeared in a reserved way to me. I was still in London. My friend was trying to keep in touch with some people to see if we could have some prayer meetings while we were there, but all to no avail.
People would make excuses telling her that they were too busy and couldn't organize anything. I knew it wasn't that, but because they were incredulous, because they thought I was a liar. I realized my friend's sadness and told her that everything would be as God wanted it to be.
I knew that the reason I was there in England had already been accomplished: to go to the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, where God revealed to me the scapular of St. Joseph and something about his devotion. I also felt the voice of Jesus, by inner locution who said to me:
One day they will repent bitterly for having refused my invitation, because they despised the day they were visited by me and my mother through you here in this city. One day they will know the grace they have lost!