Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, June 8, 2000
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Montichiari, Italy

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of you. My divine Son Jesus Christ sends me here to communicate to you the message of love from his Most Sacred Heart. Pray with love and with your heart. The Lord God awaits your prayers and sacrifices made with love for his Holy Church.
My children, listen and live my heavenly appeals. I have already given you so many messages throughout the world, but many do not live what I say and reject my maternal love. Console my maternal Heart by offering me your love and affection, my little children. I am your dear Mother.
Be true children to me who love their Mother deeply. My maternal love is for all my children all over the world. Pray for the Pope and for the whole Church. Thank you for your presence here tonight and for giving me some of your time to listen to me. I will remember this my children and I will ask the Lord much for you this evening. Pray for your brothers and sisters who no longer care about the Lord and offend Him at every moment.
In the month of July, make prayers, sacrifices and penances for the conversion of your brothers, especially for the conversion of my sons priests and souls consecrated to the Lord. Go to Fontanelle and from the cobbled entrance to my Sanctuary make the sacrifice and penance of going on your knees to the cross of my divine Son Jesus and offer this for the intention that you supplicate to me.
On the 12th, fast on bread and water in preparation for my feast on July 13th. Pray in these following intentions on July 13:
For the sanctification of the whole Church;
For the opening of the hearts of all priests and religious;
For the sanctification of families, that the Lord God may grant them holy priestly and religious vocations;
For all my pilgrim children who go to Fontanelle seeking the Lord's grace and blessing for their innumerable sufferings and afflictions and for all the sick;
On July 13, pray for my intentions and in a very special way for my beloved Pope, that he may carry out the mission that my divine Son Jesus has entrusted to him. I will be present on July 13 in a special way at Fontanelle.
The graces of the Lord will be in abundance on this day, during this time of grace that God grants you in this Jubilee year. I am the Mother of God, Mother of the Church. Here is my request, here is my message. Thank you for your patience and your attention. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!