Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, January 7, 2000
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

On July 1st, 2000 , feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I saw the Blessed Virgin very beautiful, who was showing me her Immaculate Heart. In this apparition , I saw a beautiful beautiful royal throne and the Virgin who approached it and sat down. On this day I was not feeling very well, because I had a very bad cold and was a little feverish. During the apparition the Virgin said to me,
This is the time that God Our Lord wishes to grant through my Immaculate Heart the grace of his love and mercy to sinful humanity.
There are so many sins and offenses directed against him, because of ungrateful men, that make his justice very great, and if there are no prayers and reparations to be made humanity will be punished heavily, because it has not known how to respect the Lord God and his law of love.
This, my son, is why men should approach my maternal Heart, this Heart that has become very sorrowful in these last times, because of the rebellion of so many of my children towards the Lord.
Offer yourself to God as a victim of atonement for so many sins committed, and beg him for his mercy for all those who live in these last days like real animals without reason, thrown into the most horrible sins. Will you accept to suffer a little for sinners, my son?
I answered her: Yes, mother. What does the Lady wish me to do?
Remember what my Son Jesus told you: that you should unite yourself to the merits of his Passion?
Yes - I answered.
Today he wishes to share it a little with you. Come close to me and raise your hands.
I did as Our Lady asked and she with her left hand held my right hand, and with her finger of the right hand made the sign of the cross on the palm of my hand. The same she did with my left hand. She looked at me, with her beautiful blue eyes, which I could see very closely, and with a tender smile said to me:
I am preparing you for my Son Jesus, for what he will later grant you and personally accomplish in you. Always be obedient to divine grace, for for those who are faithful to him the Lord's complacency is very great and his love has no limits.
God has great designs to accomplish in you my child. Be holy and sanctify yourself every moment and every day. May your life be a model of holiness for all young people.
As I told you, I desire to place you at the right hand of my Son Jesus, that is why I prepare you and help you to be perfect every day as my Son desires. Do you desire to be all of Jesus and to be united with him truly for all eternity?
I said to you with great joy: Yes!
Renew your purposes of conversion and commitment made to God. God wishes you holy!...See: this is the sign of God's love for you and a great grace that he grants you today, on the feast of my Immaculate Heart...
Our Lady showed me a gold wedding ring, which she held with her fingers. She then placed it on my finger. This had already happened to me once before, only it had been with Jesus, in an apparition that took place in Manaus, in the house of some friends of mine.
Jesus had put a wedding ring on my finger, only it was on the finger of my left hand, while in this apparition Our Lady put it on the finger of my right hand. I don't know the meaning of having changed from one hand to the other or the reason why there were two rings.
Soon afterwards the Virgin appeared holding the crown of thorns of Jesus and placing it on my head said:
Take the crown of thorns of my Son Jesus and console him a little, carrying it patiently and with love for the conversion of the world and especially for the conversion and salvation of the young.
Comfort my Son whom you wish to follow and to whom you have given yourself today. Continue to spread the devotion to the Heart of St. Joseph and wait for him, because he will come to tell you many things. Love him always and be united to him, because he will make you be united to the Heart of Jesus and to my Mother's Heart, because we are always united in love, the three of us. Now my son, I bless you, as I do the whole world: in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Once the apparition was over I began to feel ill and my state of health worsened. I understood that it was the offering I had made to God to suffer for the conversion of the world. On July 2nd, 2000 I was much worse and did not have the strength even to walk properly.
We went to Church for Mass, but only God and the Virgin knew the effort I was making to stand up and be in Church. When I returned from Church I went to lie down to rest for a while and I saw Our Lady with Our Lord, who came to visit me. She was dressed in white with a blue robe and he was dressed in white with a red robe. They were both smiling at me. I think they were happy with the offer I was making. This appearance was quick, but it caused me great joy and peace in my soul.
Since my friends saw that my condition was getting worse and worse and the fever was increasing, we immediately returned to Brescia. Only later did I feel well when we arrived there. God allowed me to endure everything as far as I could, according to my possibilities.