Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Saturday, April 4, 1998

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil


Peace be with you!

My dear children, I am the Queen of Peace, the Mother of God and the Mother of all humanity. I beg you, seek each day your conversion. Do not waste time. O

Time is already very short.

As I have already told you, do not postpone your conversion one minute longer, because for many who postpone their conversion, it may be too late.

God, already unable to bear such offenses, is about to send a great chastisement upon the whole world. Many will be horrified by what is to come, they will despair, they will cry bitterly, they will cry for mercy, but the Mercy that God is offering them is this now: He is sending his Heavenly Mother to communicate his holy messages to all his children all over the world.

This year is a very difficult year for all of you, get ready! Those who do not listen to me will be greatly charged by the Lord and will receive purification in terrible proportions, because they have despised my messages and have mocked all my confidants, scattered throughout the world.

Woe to the unbelievers! Woe to the atheists! Woe to those who live in mortal sin and continue to offend God, Our Lord, with their crimes. Nature itself is already punishing men, because of their innumerable sins.

My children, think for a minute: Jesus is suffering so much for each one of you. Don't hurt Jesus!

Prepare yourselves with dignity, love and respect, this Holy Week and for Easter. Do not allow my Son Jesus to shed tears of blood. It is my great pain to tell you: Woe to the unbelievers! My Immaculate Heart is bitter to tell you this.

My children, have you not yet realized that my Immaculate Heart has been suffering for so long because of you? Pray, pray, pray the Holy Rosary. It is your weapon, my dear children.

Remember, you are not alone. I am with you always, always, always. I love you so much, and I do not want your condemnation, but your salvation.

My children, today I shed tears of blood before my Son Jesus, asking him for all mankind. Help me! Help me! Pray more and more! Try to enter the silence of your hearts. When a Mother speaks, her children must listen to her. Listen to me, it is very serious!

My children, I am on your side and I bless you. This is the last time I will speak to you here, in Manaus. I am waiting for you in Itapiranga. As I have already told you, in the month of May will come Our Lord and Saint Joseph, to bless all mankind.

Pray a lot for my sons, the priests, that they may be an example for all Christians. My Mother's Heart will always remain here, in this place. I chose this place, this family, to invite you, through my confidants, to conversion. It will soon be four years since I appeared here. May you celebrate this feast, our feast.

I have nothing more to say to you than this: Love Jesus, love Jesus, love Jesus! He loves you so much, dear children. May you repair the sins, committed against my Son Jesus, with his love.

Now, dear children, kneel down, and I will bless you. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Before I leave, I tell you: Never deny your faith. Remain faithful to what you believe, for this is the Truth.

In this apparition, the Virgin had asked me to get up and go closer to her. I did as she asked, and immediately afterwards she gave me such a motherly hug that only she can give. There is no explanation. Then she said to me:

This hug that I give you, is for all my children who are here, at this moment, as for all those who wanted to be here and could not come. But also, this embrace that I give you, is for all those of my children who disown me, who do not want to receive me, because they do not love me, but nevertheless I embrace all these children of mine, giving them all my love.

When Our Lady said these last words about those who disowned her embrace and who did not love her, her face was saddened with an expression of great pain.


