Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, January 24, 1998
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

This evening Our Lady gave me a little message:
Take good care of all the children, because they are My littlest children!
Immediately afterwards as if addressing all her children throughout the world she said:
My son, these meetings of ours are so important that you cannot imagine. When I come from heaven to convey this heavenly message to you I bring with me my graces and heavenly blessings to pour over you and all of humanity.
How many souls at this moment are benefiting from these graces for their own salvation. It is necessary that you always keep your eyes fixed here, on my Immaculate Heart, because acting this way you will always be sure to fulfill the Lord's will. I love all my children.
Oh, how I love humanity and how I wish it loved more deeply my Son Jesus. Speak my son, speak of my Son Jesus to everyone. Tell them that the love of Jesus is very great. It is a love that has no dimensions. It is a love that has no limits. May everyone's response to Jesus be a response of love. Love, because it is in this love of yours for Jesus that the grace of salvation is found.
Only those who love the most will understand the mysteries of God, for all wisdom is found in this divine love. Everything was made for love and by love. In this love is also found the secret of holiness. Fight for holiness. God will always help you. Surrender yourself in His hands and you will walk on the right path. Don't let the graces that God gives you go to waste. Enjoy all the graces that God allows me to give you. I want to share them with you. Come and receive them. Behold, the fountain of graces is open to all! I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!