Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, October 12, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, AM, Brazil

"Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God and the patroness of Brazil.
I come from Heaven to tell you that My Son Jesus sends you a very special blessing for all the Brazilian people.
Pray with all your heart and try to live My Holy Messages in your families.
Dear children, today I wish to speak to you about the importance of confession. If you do not have the habit of going to confession, you will be in danger of being eternally lost. Many are not in the habit of approaching the sacrament of confession to ask forgiveness, sincerely, for their sins, and this worries Me, because these My children are far from the Heart of My Son Jesus and from My Immaculate Heart.
Dear children, many are also those who go to confession just out of habit, to remain the same afterwards. Convert yourselves deeply, and repent of your sins.
I am united here, vividly present, and I look at each one of you with a Mother's tenderness. I am your Mother, and I wish to help you in your needs and afflictions.
I thank you for the prayers that My children have made at the fountain and on the mount of the Holy Cross. I have welcomed their prayers and have also been present beside each one.
Also have confidence in God, for He is your Father and I am your Mother.
My children, pray a lot for Brazil. I have chosen Brazil for a great event. Wait with confidence and you will see what your Heavenly Mother has prepared for Brazil and especially for Amazonas.
I wish that Itapiranga becomes a holy city. Pray, because in these days my Lord will grant you countless graces.
I am and will always be beside each one of you, even if I do not appear anymore, but I tell you that My departure is not definitive. I still have many messages to communicate to you until the end of my apparitions, but I will transmit them after November 27 in a different way, but it is not yet the end of my apparitions, because my last public appearance is on May 2, 1998. After this date, I will come in a more reserved way, but I promise you that I will always be here in Itapiranga to grant you special graces.
Remember the dates when I will appear here in Itapiranga, because on these dates I will be present in a special and vivid way to give you special graces.
In the month of November I will come from the 1st to the 27th to bless you, and those who attend these days will receive the graces and blessings of the Lord in depth.
Now, at this moment, I give you My motherly blessing. I bless you all: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!"