Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, June 9, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Melegnano, Italy

"Peace be with you!
My dear children, I am the mother of Jesus. I desire that each one present here sincerely surrender their Heart to My Son Jesus. Jesus loves you and asks you to live a life of faith, peace and love among all your brothers and sisters.
Dear children, pray, pray, pray. Pray the Holy Rosary. Present your requests to the Lord. Have faith and a great trust in the Lord. Give my sick children all the help they need for their lives, and all the comfort of their hearts.
Dear beloved children, I bless you and tell you that my Immaculate Heart is for all of you.
Dear beloved children, help Me with your prayers to bring the love of Jesus to all My children most in need of love, peace and divine light.
Thank you for your love and for your willingness to be here in this Holy Place to hear this My Message of conversion. I will not forget this availability of yours, even in the last moment of your lives.
Pray, pray, pray. All My children of the whole world, return to the Lord while it is still time. I bless you all: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen Until soon!