Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 29, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

My peace be with you all, my dear children!
Dear children, I am your sorrowful Mother. And Holy Saturday is the Saturday of my great pain, today, your sorrowful Mother finds herself so alone and abandoned by many of her children who no longer care about her, nor about her son Jesus and the things of heaven.
My children, there are so many ingratitudes from my sinful children. As I have already told you: men are so ungrateful to their mother in heaven. They do not want to correspond to God's call, through my Holy Messages.
My dear children, my dear children, listen to me: your Heavenly Mother still suffers so much because of you. Pray and be converted. I want to save you from the road to perdition, to lead you, all of you, to the road of salvation that leads to God. May your response to God be unconditional and from the heart. My heavenly appeals are beats of love from my Immaculate Heart, my children.
You must be more obedient to my Mother's appeals. There are so many already, you must try harder and harder to live the Divine Word in your families. Convert yourselves now. The time for conversion is ending. Satan will try his last offensive against the Church of my Divine son Jesus Christ, thus wanting to destroy it, but I will save with my maternal intervention to the Holy Church, through the graces of my Immaculate Heart. As I have also told you: in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. Only I and My son Jesus will be the only victors.
My children, a great loss of faith, a great apostasy, is coming in the bosom of the Catholic Church, because of the erroneous teachings that are spreading today throughout the Church throughout the world. Pray, pray. And remain faithful to your Church, which is the Catholic Church, and pray for all priests, that they remain faithful to their priestly vocation. All those who remain faithful to Holy Church and listen to my Holy Messages, bringing them to life, I will take with me in the last times to paradise. So, cheer up, you are already heading towards your crucifixion, towards your martyrdom. But have confidence in My love as a Mother, and in My protection. Even if I don't appear anymore, I will never abandon you. I will always be present here, in this place, where I appeared for the first time, as well as in Itapiranga. There is the place where I will shed so many graces. Children, Itapiranga is a beacon of light illuminating all my children in the Amazon, in Brazil, and in the whole world. I am with you and more vividly in the Holy Mass, in the Church of my Divine Son Jesus Christ.
Dear children, pray the Holy Rosary. With the Rosary you will destroy the evil plans of Satan. All My little ones who pray My Rosary, be certain that they are already within My Maternal Heart.
Children, I suffer for what awaits you. Make sacrifices and do penance. Here in Amazonas I will still give you a sign of my great pain, so that you will know how serious my appeals are.
Come back to My son Jesus. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!