Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, February 26, 1997
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
My dear children, I am the Queen of Peace. Convert yourselves without delay. Pray every day the Holy Rosary, asking for peace in the whole world.
My children, you must think more about God. My son Jesus died for love of each one of you. He rose again because he wants each one of you to have a new life, resurrected for eternity. This Lent, think more about the Holy Passion of my Divine Son Jesus, so that you can understand how much he had to suffer to save you from sin.
Dear children, pray with your heart. All those who pray with their hearts will feel My Mother's love in their lives. Convert yourselves. Your Mother still exhorts you to take refuge in her Immaculate Heart. Here, in my Immaculate Heart, they are protected against all evils. I love you, I love you, I love you. I bless you all in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
This same afternoon, Our Lady transmitted another message intended for mothers. Here is the message:
My dear daughters, mothers and wives, take care of your children with a loving heart. Your children are the most precious jewels God has ever bestowed upon you to this day. Bless them always, and never allow the evils of this world to get to them. How can this happen? By allowing your children to learn the worst things that are being transmitted to all children today through television. Television is the evil idol that man has created so that it no longer serves God, but the enemy. If they knew how to use the media for the building of the Kingdom of God, this would be great. But today, men only use these means for the progress of evil in the world. Pray for all those who teach horrible and wrong things to all children, for they will not escape Divine justice, because they are destroying the little angels of my Son Jesus in this world. Come back to God. I bless you again. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.