Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, February 5, 1997
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I, your mother, and mother of all humanity, desire to continually exhort you to walk in the precepts and teachings of my Lord.
Dear children, pray for peace. I tell you again that peace is threatened. It is necessary to pray many rosaries, so that the war will end, leaving aside the violence that has taken so many of my children's lives.
My children, be converted. May your lives be totally Christ's. My Son Jesus desires to give you His Love. My children, receive His Love and bring it to all men.
Sons Priests, once again I address you all: take my peace to all my sinful sons. Help my little ones to come closer to the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus.
Sons Priests, I am your Immaculate Mother. Let me lead you according to the will of my Lord. I am here to welcome you into my Immaculate Heart. I guard you all and protect you against all evils, which my enemy tries to unleash against you. Do not be discouraged on your way to heaven, but walk to meet the Lord with a heart full of faith and courage. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
Prepare yourselves well for Lent by going to Confession and receiving Communion.