Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, January 6, 1997
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

I want to unite the love of my Sacred Heart with the small love that comes from your hearts. I want to put all your weakness, all your misery, everything that does not come from me, in the burning flame of love and in the infinite mercy of my Most Pure heart, so that you may be inflamed by my Divine Light and may, each day, be renewed people, with your hearts totally open to me.
I wish to pour my blessing on the entire Charismatic Movement. Know how to value and give thanks for everything that I build and accomplish here among you, here in your city. Help and welcome with love all those who are led to you: people who no longer have the faith, who are already without hope, losing confidence in me, their Lord. Be my comfort and my Light to all these people. My Light must be reflected in you, so that you can take it to all your brothers and sisters.
Now, I tell you: that before you can be charismatic souls, you must first be filial souls of my Blessed Mother. Unite yourselves to my mother, so that together with her you can receive, through her intercession, all the graces that I wish to grant you for your spiritual growth and your own sanctification. Never distance yourself from my Blessed Mother, so that you may always be led in my holy ways. I bless you: In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
I am your Savior, and I am here together with My Most Holy Mother and the whole Heavenly Court, because I wish to grant you great graces. Edification comes directly from My Love and the knowledge of My Word, and the discernment that man seeks, comes by his constancy and love of wanting to live the truth, My will and My Word.
I give you My Peace. All are equal to Me. Remove all fear from your hearts. Do not suppress My graces poured out upon you and the words inspired deep in your hearts for your edification and the edification of your brothers.
My children, I said to you: When the Son of Man comes, will he still find faith on earth? This is why I am sending you My Holy Spirit, so that He can revive you and give you the gift of constancy in your faith. Try to catalog and write down all the prophecies transmitted to you so that they will not be lost, because they will serve for the spiritual growth and edification of the group.