Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, December 10, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
Dear children, thank you for your response to my appeals. I invite you to offer not only your joys, but also your crosses and sufferings to God for the conversion of sinners. Accept your crosses and sufferings with patience, for even then you can discover God's joy in your lives. Pray, pray, pray. I love you and thank you for your presence here at this moment. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
On this same evening, Our Lady asked to read a message that she had transmitted to my mother at 05:00. The Virgin told her:
This message is for all the people who live in love or friendship. I want all these people to get married as soon as possible, because they are all going on the road to hell, because they live in impurity and whoever lives in impurity lives in mortal sin. For those who are not married, leave the life of sin and adultery and get married, for I want all of them on the path to holiness.
My daughter, this message now is for all the bishops, priests and ministers of my Son Jesus. I want this city of Itapiranga and all the cities of the country and the whole world to have the Holy Mass daily, that is, every day. The Holy Mass is not to be celebrated alone, but to be celebrated so that all the people of the city or of a community can participate in it.
Every priest has the right, the duty, the obligation to celebrate Holy Mass, to confess, to perform baptism, marriage and all the ceremonies that are necessary in a town or village where there are Christians. This message is to be sent to Dom Jorge and also to Dom Luiz. They will know what to do. Thank you for taking care of us. I and my Son Jesus bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady gave this message to my mother because in Itapiranga the Holy Mass is not celebrated every day. The Church is closed on weekdays, even though the Father is in town. He stays in his house and celebrates the Eucharist there just for him, instead of celebrating in the Church for the people. This is why Our Lady said in the message that the Holy Mass was not to be celebrated alone, but for the whole community, and she mentioned the other things that should be done because in Itapiranga the situation was very difficult at the beginning of the apparitions. Many went to Protestant Churches, because they could not find the support and help they needed in the Catholic Church, because of the attitudes of the town's priest. Our Lady was concerned about all this and asked her to convey this message to the people and the Church.