Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, April 8, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Dear children, love is the basis and the way to holiness. Holiness consists in you loving all your brothers and sisters in my Son Jesus Christ.
Dear children, you are united in prayer because I have gathered you and invited you to pray with me, your Heavenly Mother. I care for each one of you, for this is my maternal mission that I received from my Son Jesus on Good Friday at the foot of his cross, when he left you in my care as a child and gave me to each one of you as a mother. I am with you always, praying and watching over each one of you until the day my Son Jesus returns for you, when I will give you all to him. This is why you hear of many apparitions of mine in many parts and places of the world. It is your Heavenly Mother who has been coming for centuries and every day from heaven to visit her beloved children, preparing and encouraging them on their journey in this world for the encounter with her Son Jesus Christ at his second coming.
Jesus loves the young: of the apostles John was the youngest, and he was the apostle most loved by my Son Jesus Christ. He was the only one who stood firm and courageously together with me, his Heavenly Mother, at the foot of the cross of my Son Jesus. Of all the apostles he was the strongest, although he was very young, because he loved God very much. And Jesus put much to his trust in him, so much so that he gave me, the one he loved most in this world, to the care of this little son who was so young. And his Heavenly Mother has also shown how much she loves these dear little children of hers who need her maternal help so much: she has chosen them to manifest herself to men in her apparitions. I have appeared and I appear many times to children and also to young people, to show them that as a Mother I always accompany all my children from their earliest childhood, educating them in the faith and in the love for my divine Son Jesus.
I love everyone: children, young people and adults. For me, all are like fragile little children that I welcome and carry in my maternal arms. I place them all within my Immaculate Heart to enrich them with the most countless graces, coating them with my immaculate light and thus preserving them from every stain that could harm the purity and light of their souls.
O dear children, how much I love you. My love for you is so immense that you can never imagine. If only my children could understand the value of this great love of mine for all of them; of these heavenly messages of mine that I have been giving and communicating for so long for their own good and help.
Listen to my appeals dear children. Put them into practice. Let the young people live and put my messages deep in their hearts. These messages are for all of them. Jesus chose them for a great mission. Satan knows that the young people will help my Son Jesus to defeat him, and that is why he has attacked them all with his seductions and all kinds of temptations, to destroy all that is good in the young people, so as to leave them inert and imprisoned in their sins and vices. But to these my children I say: take refuge in my Immaculate Heart, come into the maternal arms of your Heavenly Mother to be sheltered and protected from all these evils. Your Heavenly Mother is here, so you should fear nothing. Trust in me and in my Son Jesus: always. Never doubt our love for each one of you. Do not despair if in you there are still great sins. Know that there is a solution to all your problems. This solution is my Son Jesus Christ. Draw near to his Heart that is rich in forgiveness. Ask him for forgiveness for all your sins, through the sacrament of confession, asking him for strength and sincere repentance for your faults. He will not deny you his forgiveness because he loves you.
My Son is more willing to forgive you, than you are to ask his forgiveness. Jesus, dear children, is such a loving God to all those who seek him for his help. He loves everyone without distinction: good or bad, he loves everyone equally.
Our Sacred Hearts are rich in love and forgiveness, dear children. We love you with all our hearts. It is you who turn away from us when you sin: you think that we do not love you anymore, you close your hearts and remain deaf to our voice calling you to return and convert. Don't think that we don't love you anymore when you sin, dear children, because that makes me and my Son Jesus very sad. We don't love sin, but we do love you. We have a very special affection and love that, as I have already told you, you can never imagine.
It is sin that does not please our Sacred Hearts. So free yourselves from sin with a holy confession. Prepare yourselves well with an examination of conscience before going to holy confession. Pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten you and give you true repentance and perfect contrition for all your acts committed, asking him also that you have an aversion to sin. Then seek the minister of my divine Son to make your holy confession. You should also always pray to the Holy Spirit asking for the priest who will hear your confession, so that he may be illuminated by the divine light and thus know how to guide all souls in the light of his Spirit. Also thank God that he allowed the priest to hear your confession and forgive your sins in his name.
Always thank God for this grace of mercy that he gives you through the sacrament of confession, and that he has left priests here on earth to administer this sacrament. Pray, pray, pray, and give thanks, dear children. Always pray together and united.
Let's thank the Lord for everything: for the joys, for the sufferings, for your work, for your daily bread, for the cross that sometimes becomes too heavy, in short for everything you have to thank the Lord, because he gives each person what he can bear.
If you accept your crosses that God wants to send you, you can transform them into great graces and merits for yourselves and your souls that are in need of God's love and mercy. Know how to accept your crosses, so that you can rise to new life in Christ.
Christ is life my children, it is resurrection. Enter into intimate union with Jesus and take him to all the people who are already dead spiritually because they do not have God in their hearts, so that they may be touched by Jesus and may also rise from the darkness of sin to the light of new life, which is himself. I the Mother of the risen Jesus and the Queen of Peace bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!