Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 30, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Dear children, I am your Mother and I come here to tell you of my love. I love you, and this love that I have for you is eternal. I thank you for your prayers. Dear children, always continue to pray for the atheists. I still count on your prayers. Pray, pray, pray and prepare yourselves with prayers until May 2nd. On this day, I continue to pour out my graces upon you in abundance. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
Later, I heard the voice of the Virgin. This happened when I was in my room, before I went to sleep. The Mother of God gave me an important and long message:
It is necessary to pray united. It is necessary to live love in families. Families are being destroyed because they lack love and because they do not live it among themselves. A family that does not live love cannot welcome my divine Son, because Jesus is love and he wants to live in families to pass on his love. But families reject him because they are only concerned about their own interests, and their concerns prevent them from feeling Jesus in their hearts. Dear children, you are family.
You are my family. I am your Mother and God is your Father. God wants all families to live in communion of love with Jesus and with their brothers and sisters. My dear children, love each other. Love each other as Jesus loves you and as I love you. As I have already told you: it is from the heart of man that God will gather all the good that he has accomplished during his earthly life, after his existence here on earth. Peace, peace, peace: I proclaim once again... Peace I wish among all Christians all over the world. Christians or non-Christians, all are my children. As my Son Jesus told you, there are still many sheep that have not been led into the same fold and are not of the same fold. Pray for the unity of all Christians.
I am the Mother of all peoples, Mother of all humanity. I am the Virgin of Peace and of the Rosary. I wish now to tell my little ones of the need to pray for the whole Holy Church and especially for Pope John Paul II, the representative of my divine Son in this world.
Men do not want to accept his very holy teachings that my divine Son has put on his lips. It is imperative that everyone listens to his calls to conversion, to prayer, to union with Holy Church, and especially to observe God's Holy Commandments, as well as the orders of his Holy Church in this world, which once again I tell you is the Catholic Church. Pray, pray very much for my beloved children, and every day offer constant sacrifices for them.
Your love for your Church must be constant. It is necessary not to relax in your prayers for her. Pray continually to God asking for a total renewal in his Church and especially that God's ministers in this world be flooded with the divine light of the Holy Spirit who will guide and enlighten them through his light and gifts how to lead his Holy Church in the ways of the Lord, without any stain and without any error, in the ineffability that until today is transmitted by the Lord by the light of his divine Spirit.
My little ones, let the rosary be your weapon. Your Heavenly Mother insists so much on the daily recitation of the holy rosary, for it is through this humble prayer that we will defeat all the cunning and haughtiness of the infernal dragon. Spread among all your brothers the praying of the holy rosary. Teach those who do not know how to pray it to pray it well and with love.
I am the Lady of the Rosary. The rosary is the sign of my maternal presence in their midst. Know that where the rosary is prayed your Heavenly Mother is present, and there I remain, pouring over my beloved children countless graces from my Immaculate Heart. How much I would like my little ones, all of them, to consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of my divine Son Jesus.
It is necessary that they propagate among all their brothers and sisters devotion to our Sacred Hearts. Our Sacred Hearts will destroy with the burning flames of most pure love every evil that Satan has spread in this world among my sinful children. Our Sacred Hearts will triumph my children, be certain of this, and happy will be all those who are within these Hearts of ours. Their joy will be so great that it cannot equal anything in this world. Their joy will be complete according to the promise of my divine Son.
When the Holy Spirit scorches all hearts with the fire of his love, then all mankind will burn with a holy desire to want God above all things, and all that is of the world will no longer have room in their hearts because God alone will be their only treasure and he alone will be their true treasure. Pray, pray, pray, asking the Divine Holy Spirit to shed his light on you so that all of you may be renewed by his sanctifying grace.
My children, it is necessary not to be overwhelmed by the snares of our adversary. He is very cunning and shrewd. Be at peace and live in peace, and you will never be instruments that he uses to carry out his evil plans. The man who is at peace with God, his Creator, will never give Satan an opportunity to come and tempt him.
It is necessary that my children know that the best weapon to overcome all the pride of the enemy in temptations is humility. In a humble soul the devil can do nothing, because humility is holy and it is pleasing in the eyes of God. It was in the humility of his Heavenly Mother and in her littleness that God set his eyes on her and chose her to be the Mother of his divine Son. You see, children, how great and important humility is in the eyes of God. You must live this virtue in your lives every day: you must be small, simple, not aspiring to be great in the eyes of others, but rather wanting to be one who serves his neighbor.
My divine Son, in his Gospel, has always exhorted you to live service to your neighbor and to the needy. He, being God, the Creator of all things, taught us that the first step for man in relation to the works of God must be practiced in humility and in service to his neighbor, through prayer to the Father and supplication, so that the Father gives him the strength, the light, and the grace of his Divine Spirit, so that his work may be pleasing to God.
My children, I, your Mother, love you very much. My love is immense, as immense as the whole extent of the universe. This immaculate love is for all of you. If you wish to be mine and my Son Jesus', you must listen to all that I have asked of you in these holy messages of conversion. Put them into practice. Live them, dear children, live them. I, Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, and the Virgin of Peace bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!