Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, September 21, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

My dear little children, pray, pray, pray a lot, because many souls are falling into hell for not having someone to pray and sacrifice for them. Sacrifice yourselves for the poor sinners. Do penance. Pray a lot the holy rosary. Convert yourselves.
Dear young people, pray, pray a lot. Take my heavenly messages to your friends. There are many of your friends who are in a state of mortal sin, and thus in danger of being eternally lost. Help them. Pray for them and be a light to them.
Our Lady cried a lot and at this very moment many young people appeared falling into the fire of hell. Boys and girls were screaming desperately. It was a terrible scene. Our Lady's pain increased so much that she began to weep blood, when a horrifying thorn came violently piercing into her Immaculate Heart, causing her to put her hands on her Heart and groan in pain.
At this moment, priests and nuns began to fall into that horrific fire. Our Lady suffered greatly, when those souls were lost. A great pain went through my heart. It is as if she, the Virgin, shared her pain with me. Then another scene unfolded. Two souls appeared who were before the Court of God, being judged in private. They were two young men. Jesus was sitting on a throne and the young men in front of him.
On the right side was the Blessed Virgin, all in white, and on the left side horribly the devil, who was asking Jesus for possession of souls because of his many sins.
Our Lady was weeping asking Jesus for the eternal salvation of these young men, while the devil was accusing them.
The two young people, a boy and a girl, were terrified to see the devil in his true face. At the same time that the Virgin Mary was asking Our Lord for the salvation of these young people, she was also asking me to continue praying, asking along with her, Jesus for the salvation of souls.
The devil continued to accuse them, sin by sin and Jesus seemed to already give the due final sentence. We prayed the Hail Marys, my friends and I, together with Our Lady, and she would ask Jesus for these two young men.
It was at that moment that the inspiration came to me to pray the jaculatory: Jesus, Mary, I love you save souls! We prayed this prayer several times. Then came to me the prayer that the Virgin had taught us: Beloved Father, I love you, Beloved Mother, I love you. Beloved Father and Beloved Mother, I love you, I love you, I love you .
Someone in the house prayed this prayer and I remembered that the Virgin had told us that she saved many souls. Immediately we prayed asking for souls. When Jesus heard the prayers and received them from Our Lady, who was presenting them for those two souls, that he would save them, he was moved and was willing to listen to our supplications, because of the pleas of his Blessed Mother, and decided to save those two souls.
At this moment, the devil became angry and furious and, full of hatred, said, I refuse to leave them! But the Blessed Virgin came and covered the young men with her Immaculate Mantle, driving Satan away from them. Jesus did not deny salvation, because Our Lady interceded with her prayers and tears for the salvation of these souls. I understood that these two young men were not yet dead. Thanks to our prayers, they were still alive in a hospital. They had been in a car accident and were in a coma. The moment that they were in a coma was the moment that I had had this vision. Our Lady asked me to intercede for them, because they had to leave this world and they could condemn themselves. The moment in which the Virgin obtained the salvation of these souls was the moment in which these young men received the anointing of the sick, administered by a priest, and their priestly blessing in the name of the Church. The Virgin came very close to me and
said to me:
That is why I need many prayers from you, my children, to be able to present them to the Lord for the salvation of many souls What you saw happens all the time, every day and every hour. Pray every day the holy rosary for the salvation of souls. Make fasts and sacrifices for them. Your Heavenly Mother blesses you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!