Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, September 2, 1995
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Beloved children of my Sacred Heart, pray, pray, pray.
I, your Lord and your God, come to give you my Peace.
Little children, my Heart is each day surrounded by a horrible crown of thorns. They are the sins of all ungrateful men. I need generous souls to pray for those who are unfaithful, for their conversion.
Children, you must at every moment cleanse yourselves of all your sins. Confess your sins always. I, your Lord, love you with all my Heart.
Little children, I desire your conversion. Pray a lot. Do not leave prayer aside, for prayer brings you closer to me, your Lord. I tell you that my coming is imminent, and many will not be prepared to receive me. So, pray more for the conversion of poor sinners. Listen to what my Mother asks of you so much. Obey her.
I, Our Lord, the Son of God the Father, bless you and place you within my Sacred Heart. Thank you for your presence here at this moment. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On this night, Our Lady appeared all dressed in white and Her Immaculate Heart was shedding rays of light. Our Lord appeared next, and He also gave us His message of conversion. Jesus is very grieved because of the hardness of many hearts. There are many people who are attached to the things of the world, to materialism, and do not care about their own soul. Saint Michael the Archangel also appeared together with Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael and warned us that we must more than ever live a life of conversion, of prayer, because the punishment announced by Our Lady and Our Lord is already very close. If we pray and convert, changing the course of our lives towards God we will be saved, but if we continue to persist in error and sin, we will only be left with destruction and the sufferings we have accumulated, because of our sins.
St. Michael has promised his protection to all those who turn to him by praying the prayer dedicated to his person, as well as the protection of all the Angels and Archangels. This is very important. We should not forget them. It is their mission, given by God and the Virgin, to protect us from Satan's attacks in these days of great battle. Let us pray then.